Our project for Libby Roden at Very Special Kids is one we couldn’t pass up. Libby has the immensely challenging role of supporting terminally ill children and their families. Our role has been to make memory boxes for the families as a reminder of the children who pass away all too soon. John Buckley, one of our members took this project to heart and was ably helped by another member, John Dobson. John Buckley built the boxes in his garage due to Covid and the shed not being open. John Dobson then add the personal touches using the shed’s 3D printer and laser printer.
Currently we have built 30 boxes, which will allow the shed to have stock on hand when needed. If you’d like to know more about Libby and Very Special Kids please click the link below which will go to Libby’s page. If you would like to support Very Special Kids get in touch with us or directly through their website. https://www.vsk.org.au/libbys-key-role-across-gippsland/