About Us
Welcome to The Cardinia Men’s Shed
Cardinia Men’s Shed believes in supporting members of its community. We do this in a number of ways and through different organisations. Like all Men’s Sheds we started as a support network for men in the community.
Since its beginning in 2012, Cardinia Men’s Shed has grown from 10 members to now having over 50 members.

The primary purpose of the Men’s Shed is to support the older males in the community by providing and involving them in a variety of activities. We hope this will have a positive effect on their health and provide them with support should they suffer health issues. In addition, we mentor youth through programs like “The Couch Project.” Besides, our woodwork classes at the Shed are open on Thursdays to women who want to hone their woodworking skills.
The Shed is very community focused and seeks to assist where possible. We also have guest speakers come in on a regular basis to discuss important topics like health and senior services, as well as in other areas of interest.
Cardinia Men’s Shed Executives

President: Geoff Fluck
Geoff started his adult working life as a sign writer after completing a five year apprenticeship before changing over to electro mechanical servicing. He then opened his office equipment business in Ferntree Gully which he operated for twenty seven years until retirement. Geoff is married for over 59 years to Glenda, they have two adult children and two dogs. Geoff enjoys making wooden trucks, model railways, landscape painting and being a member of Cardinia Men’s Shed.

Vice President: Roger Barnett
Vice President: Roger Barnett
Born in the UK, Roger came to Australia in 1979 on a round the world trip and stayed. He is a keen sportsman who represented Warwickshire in both Rugby Union and Cricket at the U15 level. After requiring a knee reconstruction in the early 80s, he took up golf which he enjoyed socially. His working life has been in sales in mainly plumbing related industries. An illness left him temporarily in a wheelchair and on crutches. As he was unable to work full time at the time, his son encouraged him to get out and meet new people which led to him joining the Shed in 2014. He credits his volunteering with giving him the motivation to help others in the community.
Ken was born in Richmond, Victoria, the youngest of three boys. In 1951 his parents moved the family to Mt Evelyn. His father built the house which is where Ken learnt his woodworking skills. Ken attended Lilydale High School then moved onto RMIT to study Mechanical Engineering. At the completion of his studies, Ken worked for Metro Ice in North Melbourne which was later taken over by Mayne Nickless. His next major employment was at Transit Engineering, truck chassis engineers in Bayswater. He worked for them for 25 years until his retirement in 2010. Ken moved to Pakenham in 2014 with wife Viv and they have five children and 12 grandchildren.

Treasurer: Gerald Prestt
Treasurer: Gerald Prestt
Gerald was born in Caulfield in November 1964 and has one sister who lives in Florida US. Gerald attended Mazenod College in Mulgrave. He worked in a number of jobs after leaving school and later returned to college to do a Business and Accountancy course. He married and had two children but divorced some years later. In 2003 Gerald was involved in a workplace accident which resulted in a below the knee amputation of his left leg. Gerald joined the Men’s Shed in 2015.
Contact us today for more information
For further information on our Shed or activities, please contact reception on: (03) 5941 2389 or email info@cardiniamensshed.org.au and we’ll get back to you shortly.